Phlomis tuberosa

Phlomis tuberosa

Yer çalbası
Herb to 150 cm, root bearing small tubers. Leaves eglandular or glandular, sparsely or densely pubescent on both surfaces, hairs simple above, stellate beneath, lower leaves oblong-ovate, auriculate-cordate or sagittate at base, crenate or dentate, 10-30 x 5-15 cm, petiole to 30 cm. Floral leaves sessile or subsessile, lanceolate-ovate to triangular. Verticillasters ± numerous, lower distant, upper ± crowded, 14-40-flowered. Bracteoles 8-13 mm, subulate, glabrous to densely hairy, ciliate. Calyx 8-13 mm, glabrous to hispid, teeth setaceous, 2.5-3.5 mm. Corolla purple or pink, 15-20 mm, upper lip straight, ciliate with hairs 1 mm. Nutlets pubescent at apex. Fl. 6-7. Dry stony slopes, fallow fields, steppe, meadows, 1400-2300 m.
C. & S.E. Europe, Caucasia, N. Iran, Siberia.
Erek dağı-Van
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