Phlomoides laciniatus
Phlomoides laciniatus
Sin: Eremostachys laciniatus
Stems erect, simple , robust, 30-100 cm. Basal leaves with lamiria oblong-elliptic in outline, to 30 x 18 cm, pinnatisect, segments 4-5 per side, alternate, pinnatifid, ± sparsely pubescent; cauline few , lower similar to basal, upper sessile, pinnatifid. Calyx t ubular-campanulate, ± densely lanate, not accrescent in fruit. Corolla 3-4 cm, white, cream, or pinkish, middle lobe of lower lip often tinged orange or speckled with red; hood pubescent outside, whitish-bearded within; lowerlip with ovatecordate middle lobe and ovate-orbicular lateral lobes. Fl. 5-7. Steppe, Quercus scrub, roadsides, meadows, field margins, 20-2200 m.
S. & E. Anatolia; disjunct.
Transcaucasia, W. Syria, Iran; C. Asia, Soviet Central Asia? Ir.-Tur. element.