Salvia aristata

Salvia aristata

 Bayır şalbası

Perennial, root stout, woody, apically thickened, clothed with petiolar remains. Stem above 6-sided, 30-70 cm long, rigid, erect, branched at base, long eglandular and sparsely short glandular villous. Radical leaves numerous, pale green, deeply pinnatisect, villous, 6-13 x 3-4 cm, segments linear-lanceolate, oblong-ovate; basal leaves long petiolate, petiole to 14 cm long. Cauline leaves in 2-5 whorls , pinnatisect, densely eglandular and sparsely glandular villous, petiolate, upper one entire or dentate. Inflorescence spectacular, obpyramidal, with numerous lateral branches; verticillasters distant or approximate, with 2-4 bracts and 2-4-flowered, upper parts of branches sterile. Bracts linear-lancolate, attenuate at base and apex, pointed at apex, 5-30 x2-5 mm, densely villous. Pedicels 5-20 mm long, erect or spreading. Calyx slightly inflated, campanulate to urceolate, 18-27 mm long, teeth unequal, 4-15 mm long, aristate, densely long eglandular and short glandular villous, upper lip tridentate, median tooth reduced. Corolla pink to yellowish-brown, 26-36 mm long; tube straight and gradually dilated toward throat. Upper corolla lip straight and shorter than lower lip; filaments longer than staminal connectives, the anterior arm of connective ± half as long as the posterior. Lower theca fertile and slightly shorter than upper theca. Nutlets 6-7 x 4-5 mm, trigonous-globose, brown. Fl. & Fr.: June-July. 1900-2200 m.



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