Salvia potentillifolia

Salvia potentillifolia

 Sarı poruk

Perennial suffruticose herb. Stems ± erect, 15-40 cm, usually unbranched above, eglandular-pilose below with retrorse hairs, glandular-pilose to –villous above with capitate glandular hairs, rarely eglandular or subglabrous. Leaves trisect or pinnatisect with 2 pairs of lateral segments, terminal segment oblong-obovate, 1.4-2.5 x 0.4-1.3 cm, eglandular-pubescent with sessile glands, apically crenulate or serrulate; petiole 0.8-1.6 cm, ciliate. Verticillasters 2-6flowered, distant or somewhat approximating. Bracts ovate-acuminate, 7-15 x 3-6 mm; bracteoles present. Pedicels 4-8 mm. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 12-16 mm, accrescent to 14-17 mm in fruit, capitate-glandular-villous. Corolla sulphur yellow or pale violet, 22-26 mm; tube c. 15 mm, annulate. Stamens A. Nutlets rounded trigonous, ovoid to elliptic, c. 4 x 2.5  mm, 2n = 8, 16. Fl. 6-7. Dry rocky slopes, in Quercus coccifera macchie, under Pinus brutia, 900-1700 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. element. Close to S. pisidica but generally more erect in habit, larger calyces with diverging and more acuminate lips and larger, usually yellow, corollas. 
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