Salvia viscosa

Salvia viscosa


Perennial herb. Stems erect, 50-80 cm, below densely eglandular villous with some short glandular pilose hairy. Basal leaves ovate to ovate-oblong cordate at base, membranous, 14-20 × 8-10 cm, more or less papillosepubescent, margins irregular dentate-erose. Lower leaves long-petiolated, 11-17 cm, densely eglandular villous, middle and upper leaves short-petiolated or sessile. Inflorescence widely branched panicle, inflorescence axis densely glandular pilose with some eglandular villous hairy. Verticillasters 6-10 , each verticillasters with 2-6 -flowered, internodes 2-4 cm. Bracts broadly ovate, 7-12 × 5-7 mm, acuminate, glandular pilose with some villous hairy. Calyx tubular to tubular campanulate, 7-11 mm, up to 14 mm in fruit, scarcely expanding in fruit, glandular pilose with some eglandular villous, teeth shortly mucronate 0.6-1.3 mm. Corolla pink to red, 15-20 mm, tube 9-11 mm, upper lip 7-10 mm, scarcely falcate, twice and a half as long as calyx. Stamens 2, staminal connectives clearly longer than filaments. Style glabrous 17-21 mm, long exerted from corolla lips and divided in 2 parts at apex.
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