Salvia wiedemannii

Salvia wiedemannii


Perennial suffruticose herb. Stems ± erect, 15-30 cm, usually branched above, eglandular-scabridulous with short or longer often antrorse white hairs and some sessile glands. Leaves pinnatisect with 2 pairs of lateral segments, terminal segment linear-oblong to linear-obovate, 1.2-3 x 0.2-0.6 cm, eglandular with very short antrorse hairs, depressed punctate, margins entire; petiole 0.2-1 cm, long-eiliate. Verticillasters 2-8-flowered, ± approximating. Bracts ovate, 6-8 x 3-4.5 mm; bracteoles present. Pedicels 3-5 mm. Calyx reddish-purple, tubular-campanulate to campanulate, 8-14 mm, to 10-15-mm in fruit, villous with many sessile glands, Corolla lilac-blue, 16-20 mm; tube c. 12 mm, annulate; upper lip straight. Stamens A. Nutlets rounded trigonous, oblong, c. 3 x 2 mm. 2n = 14, 15, 16. Fl. 5-7. Limestone slopes, in Artemisia steppe with Pinus nigra, roadsides and fieldsides, 500-1400 m.
Endemic. Ir-Tur, element. Closest to S. pisidica but margins of leaflets always entire.
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