Salvia yosgadensis

Salvia yosgadensis

Bozok şalbası

Perennial herb. Stems 13-30 cm, usually stiffly erect, quadrangular, densely eglandular-pilose above with some sessile glands . Leaves mostly basal, ovate to oblong, 4-10 x 3-6 cm, rugulose, pubescent with many sessile glands, irregularly serrate to erose; petiole 1-5 cm. Inflorescence widely paniculate. Verticillasters 4-6-flowered, ±distant. Bracts ovate, 8-15 x 7-14 mm. Pedicels 2-3 mm. Calyx infundibular, 7-11 mm, to 10-15 mm in fruit and widening, eglandular pubescent with many sessile glands, teeth clearly spinulose. Corolla white or tinged lilac, 12-14 mm; tube c. 7 mm, ventricose, squamulate; upper lip narrow, scarcely falcate, scarcely bifid. Stamens B. Nutlets unknown. Fl. 5-6. In Quercus scrub, disturbed steppe, fields, 800-1400 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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