Scutellaria brevibracteata

Scutellaria brevibracteata

 Ssp brevibracteata: Yağlı kaside; Ssp pannosula: Mersin kasidesi; Ssp subvelutina: Kadife kaside

Syn: S.rubicunda ssp brevibracteata
Stem 35-50 cm, usually erect and much-branched, rarely procumbent with ascending lateral branches, often purplish below, with a very variable indumentum of long and/or short eglandular hairs, often velutinous and antrorsely puberulous, with or without patent glandular hairs. Leaves distinctly petiolate, lamina to 7 x 6 cm, broadly ovate-triangular, crenate to crenate-serrate, base truncate to cordate. Flowers in a lax spicate raceme to 20 cm. Bracts variable in size and shape, usually shorter than calyx at anthesis, subsessile or shortly petiolate . Calyx 4-5 mm at anthesis, to 9 mm in fruit. Corolla purplish or reddish-violet, 12-17 mm, tube ±puberulous outside.
1. Leaves densely lanate-tomentose, appearing greyish ..........subsp, pannosula 
1. Leaves greenish or purplish, ± sparsely hairy
   2. Stem densely patent glandular-hairy, eglandular hairs also present; bracts small, not exceeding calyx at anthesis, shortly petiolate, acute ...........subsp. brevibracteata 
   2. Stem antrorsely adpressed-puberulous to velutinous, eglandular; bracts of medium size, equally or shortly exceeding calyx at anthesis, subsessile or shortly petiolate, obtuse to subacute  ...........subsp. subvelutina 
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