Scutellaria tomentosa

Scutellaria tomentosa

 Boz kaside

Suffruticose, with numerous erect or ascending stems 26-55 cm, tomentose, branched at and near base and sometimes above, often purplish. Basal leaves deciduous, absent at anthesis; cauline with 2-4 mm petiole, lamina 10-16 x 3.5-8 mm, crenate to incised-crenate, margins flat or shortly revolute, tomentose above, pubescent beneath. Inflorescence lax, flowersnot secund; bracts minute, ovate-lanceolate, sessile, only shortly exceeding calyx. Corolla yellow or purplish with yellow lower lip or yellow with reddish lower lip, 20-24 mm. Fl. 5-6. Rocky limestone and marble slopes, grassland, 200-1300 m.
W. Syria, W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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