Stachys anamurensis

Stachys anamurensis


Saxatile, suffrutescent perennial. Flowering stems erect, 20-25 cm, fragile at base, with short glandular and long patent eglandular hairs. Cauline leaves ovate-orbicular, 1.5-4 x 1-4.5 cm, dentate, acute, truncate at base; petioles absent. Floral leaves similar, but smaller, lower ones longer than verticillasters, upper ones equal or shorter. Lower verticillasters remote, upper approximating, to 3 cm distant, 6-flowered. Bracteoles absent. Pedicels 1-2 mm. Calyx ± regular, infundibular to subcampanulate, 6-10 mm; teeth ± equal, 1/3-1/4 x tube, herbaceous with softly spinescent tip. Corolla purplish, 13-15 mm; tube exserted, exannulate, Nutlets trigonous, 2.5-3.2 x 1.5-1.8 mm, obtuse. Fl. 6, fr 7. Calcareous rock crevices in degraded Abies, Cedrus and Juniperus forests, 1400 m.

Endemic, E. Medit. element.

Anamur- İçel
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Anamur- İçel
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