Stachys annua

Stachys annua

 Ssp ammophila: Kum çayçesi; Ssp annua: Hacıosmanotu; Ssp cilicica: Dağ çayçesi

Suffrutescent perennial, biennial or annual with or without basal sterile rosettes. Flowering stems usually procumbent, simple or branched, c. 8-50 cm. Stem densely or sparsely retrorse-pubescent, sometimes glabrous at base or throughout, rarely with patent glandular hairs throughout. Basal leaves ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, 1-4.5 x 0.5-2.5 cm, crenate, cordate to attenuate at base, petiole 1-5 cm. Cauline leaves ovate-rhomboid, broadly lanceolate to oblanceolate, 1-3 x 0.5-1.5 cm, crenate-dentate, cuneate to attenuate at base, shortly petioled to subsessile, c. 1 cm. Floral leaves elliptic to linear-lanceolate, 1-2 x 0.5-0.8 cm, weakly crenate or entire, subsessile to sessile, as long as or slightly longer than verticillasters above. Leaf indumentum sparsely adpressed-pubescent, sometimes glabrescent with sessile glands. Verticillasters usually remote, 1.5-4 cm distant, few ± approximate above, 4-8-flowered. Bracteoles few, setaceous, 1-2 mm. Pedicels 1-1.5 mm. Calyx sub-bilabiate, subcampanulate to campanulate, 10-11 mm, ± gibbous at base in fruit; teeth triangular-subulate to lanceolate with 0.5-2 mm hairy spinulescent tip, ½- 3/4  x calyx tube; calyx lips curved, tube densely villous to adpressed pubescent, sometimes glabrescent, with or without glandular hairs. Corolla creamy yellow with red markings, 13-19 mm, tube exserted, saccate at base. Nutlets obovoid, 2 x 1.3 mm.
1. Plant perennial or sometimes biennial
   2. Calyx tube patently pilose in lower part with c. 2 mm hairs ........subsp. annua var. lycaonica 
  2. Calyx tube adpressed pubescent throughout and with few patent hairs ..subsp. annua var. annua    
1. Plant annual
   3. Stem erect, patently glandular haired throughout ......subsp. cilicica
   3. Stem procumbent, glabrescent below, adpressed-pubescent above with glandular hairs or sessile glands or glabrescent throughout
      4. Stem glabrescent with sessile glands; calyx teeth lanceolate-subulate with 0.5-1 mm shortly hairy spinescent tip .......................subsp. annua var. annua
      4. Stem glabrescent below, adpressed-pubescent above, with few glandular hairs; calyx teeth triangular-subulate with 1-2 mm densely setulose tip ......subsp. ammophila 
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