Stachys inflata

Stachys inflata

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Suffrutescent perennial. Flowering stems numerous, usually simple, 16-50 cm, densely felted white-tomentose with dendroid hairs. Cauline leaves subsessile to sessile, lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, 0.8-4 x 0.35-1.2 cm, margin entire, apex obtuse to acute, attenuate or cuneate at base. Floral leaves sessile, ovate-lanceolate, 1-1.5 x 0.3-0.6 cm, shorter than verticillasters. Verticillasters remote, 1-5 cm distant, 4-8-flowered. Bracteoles linear-lanceolate, herbaceous, 2-7 mm. Pedicels 0.5-2 mm. Calyx ±regular, tubular, 8-17 mm, inflated; teeth subequal, erect, triangular, incurved in fruit, 3-5 x shorter than tube, ± blunt to minutely mucronulate at tip. Corolla pink, 20-24 mm, tube subexserted. Nutlets obovoid, 2.5-3 x 1.8-2 mm. Fl. 4-8.
N., N.W., W. & C. Iran, Transcaucasia. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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