Teucrium brevifolium
Teucrium brevifolium
Domed shrublet, 30-50 cm tall, intricately branched, adpressed-canescent or subglabrous, young twigs often puberulous. Leaves ± dense, entire , linear-oblong, obtuse, revolute-margined, canescent on both surfaces. Inflorescence a short, leafy raceme; flowers solitary in axils of upper floral leaves, the latter similar to cauline leaves and equalling or slightly longer than calyx. Pedicel scarcely equalling calyx. Calyx 5-6 mm, divided to middle, teeth obtuse. Stamens slightly shorter than lip. Fl. 3-5. Dry rocky limestone slopes and bluffs, s.l.-50 m.
S. Greece, Aegean, Cyrenaica and adjacent N.W. Egypt.E. Medit. element. A very distinct species.