Teucrium ekimii

Teucrium ekimii


Dwarf chasmophytic fragile, shrublet, to 20 cm. Flowering stems erect to decumbent, densely hispidulous. Leaves sessile or subsessile, 10-25 x 2-5 mm, linearoblanceolate with revolute margin, entire , obtuse, strongly discolorous; lower surface tomentose to hispidulous, upper surface hispidulous to villous. Inflorescence capitate to shortly racemose; axis and pedicels villous with long flattened multicellular hairs. Bracts deltoid to lanceolate, entire or sometimes lower 2-3-lobed, longer than pedicels. Pedicels 4-5 mm, slightly shorter than calyx. Calyx campanulate,6-8 mrn, densely long villous and with sessile glands, divided to half-way; teeth triangular. sharply acute. Corolla blue, barbate beneath, c. 12 mrn, lobes obtuse. Stamens subequal to lip. Seeds 2.5-3 rnrn, ovoid, rugose. Upper part densely hispidulous and sessile glands. Fl. 5-6. Shady limestone cliffs, 40-50 m. 
Endemic. E. Medit. element. 
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