Thymus longicaulis

Thymus longicaulis

 Ssp chaubardii: Dağ kekiği; Ssp longicaulis: Aş kekiği

Like T. praecox, but flowering stems commonly to 10 cm, and cauline leaves all of about equal size, 5.5-13.5 x 1.2-3.4 mm, commonly 3-5 x as long as broad, linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, often with weakly revolute margins; oil dots numerous, usually red; lateral veins obsolete to prominent, evanescent. Bracteoles usually 1-2 mm, shorter than pedicels. Calyx 2.5-4 mm, tube shorter than or sometimes equalling lips; upper lip equalling lower teeth or slightly longer.
1. Leaves usually 1.5-2.5 mm wide, linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate, obtusish, lateral veins seldom prominent; calyx suffused with purple, upper lip equalling lower teeth, upper teeth 0.7-1 mm, not pungent; corolla lilac to purple ...subsp. longicaulis
      2. Flowering stems hairy along two opposite sides ...........................var. longicaulis
      2. Flowering stems hairy all round ...................................................var. subisophyllus
1. Leaves usually 2-3.3 mm wide, ± lanceolate, usually acute, often coriaceous with prominent lateral veins; calyx greenish, seldom purplish, upper lip equalling or 'usually longer than lower teeth, upper teeth 0.8-1.2 mm, often pungent; corolla pale ...subsp, chaubardii
    3. Flowering stems hairy all round ..............................................var. chaubardii
    3. Flowering stems hairy along two opposite sides
        4. Calyx tube shorter than lips, upper lip commonly exceeding lower teeth, upper teeth 0.8-1.2 mm .....var. alternatus
        4. Calyx tube c. as long as lips, upper lip equalling lower teeth, upper teeth 0.5-0.9 mm ...var. antalyanus