Vitex agnus-castus


Vitex agnus-castus


Sin: Vitex pseudo-negundo
Shrub, rarely small tree, 1-3 m, much-branched, shortly tomentose-canescent. Leaves digitately 5-partite, leaflets usually entire, 3.5-15 x 0.5-2.8 cm, occasionally. broader or distinctly dentate, acute, narrowed to both ends, sessile or at least terminal petiolulate, dull green above, white-tomentose beneath; petioles long, those of lower leaves to c. 4 cm. Inflorescence rather dense, cymes compact, frequently subglobose, sessile or subsessile. Calyx 3 mm, densely tomentose outside and obscurely nerved, teeth broadly triangular inner surface with prominent primary nerves, 1 or 2 intermediate nerves present below each sinus, with a mainly looping reticulum of secondary venation in upper 1/3 of tube or less, chiefly below each tooth. Corolla pale lilac to blue, c. 8 mm, tube distinctly exserted. Drupe globose, black or reddish, 3-4 mm. Fl. 6-9. Mostly on sandy ground, parched alluvial soils and rocky areas near sea also on limestone slopes, s.l.-750 m.
Mediterranean area, extending to W. Caucasia. Medit. element.
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