Fritillaria alburyana

Fritillaria alburyana

 Pembe lale

Bulb to 2 cm diam., often with many bulblets. Stem 4-10 cm, smooth. Leaves 3-4, lowest 5-8 x 1-2.5 cm, lanceolate, alternate or subopposite. Flowers 1-2, upright, horizontal or nodding; perianth saucer- to cup-shaped,pale to purplish pink, lightly tessellated; segments 2-3 x 1-1.5 cm, ovate, acute or obtuse. Nectaries 1 mm, green, elliptic, c. 1 mm above perianth base. Filaments 10-15 mm, slender, sparsely papillose; anthers brown before dehiscence. Style 9-15 mm, slender, smooth, curved, 3-fid; branches 1-2 mm. Capsule not winged. Fl. 5-7. By late snow patches on screes and rocky places, 2000-2900 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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