Fritillaria latakiensis

Fritillaria latakiensis

 Kara lale

Bulb to 2 cm diam., with few bulblets. Stem 12-25 cm, smooth. Leaves 5-7, all alternate, linear, lowest 3-7 x 0.4-0.7 cm, obtuse. Flowers 1-2; perianth narrowly campanulate, purplish outside, greenish-yellow inside, not tessellated; outer segments linear, obtuse, 20-25 x 5-6 mm, inner to 11 mm broad, spathulate, apiculate. Nectaries 5 x 1.5 mm, narrowly lanceolate, 1mm above perianth base. Filaments 7-8 mm, slender, papillose. Style 8-9 mm, 3-fid to middle, slender, smooth. Capsule not winged. Fl. 3-4. Deciduous scrub and forest, c.500 m.
Latakia. E. Medit. element. 
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