Fritillaria michailovskyi

Fritillaria michailovskyi

Bulb to 3 cm diam., sometimes with a few bulblets. Stem 6-24 cm, smooth. Leaves 5-9, all alternate or lowest subopposite, lanceolate;lowest 5-9 x 1-1.5 cm. Flowers 1-4, broadly campanulate, purplish-brown, or occasionally greenish outside, apical 1/4-1/3 yellow, inside yellow; outer segments 2-3.2 x 0.9-1 cm, inner 1-1.5 cm broad. Nectaries linear, tapering from blunt and usually dark-coloured base; yellow, 10-13 x 2 mm, not raised, Filaments 6-9 mm, very sparsely papillose. Style 7-9 mm, 3-fid; branches 2-3 mm, smooth. Capsule not winged, dead perianth remaining attached to base. Fl. 5-6. Screes and open stony hillsides, 2000-3000 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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