Gagea bulbifera


Gagea bulbifera


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Bulb with pale brown tunic extended into a short neck, usually entwined with thickened roots. Basal leaves 1 or 2, filiform, 1-2 mm broad. Inflorescence simple, forked , 1-15 cm, with crisped hairs. Cauline leaves many, alternate, filiform, hairy at base, crowded in lower part of stem, each with a single leafless bulbil in its axil. Flowers 1-2. Perianth segments yellow with a central green stripe outside, narrowly oblanceolate, 9-12 mm, glabrous. Capsule narrowly ovoid. Fl. 4-6. Stony slopes, rocks, cemeteries, 1350-3000 m.
Romania, S. Russia, Caucasia, Iran, C. Asia, W. China. Euro-Sib, element.​
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