Gagea chlorantha


Gagea chlorantha


Güvercin çiğdemi
Bulbs often crowded together, sometimes covered with thickened roots; tunics forming a fibrous neck to 5 mm. Whole plant covered in short crisped hairs. Basal leaves 2 or more per bulb, filiform, to 1 mm broad, shorter than inflorescence. Inflorescence 7-20 cm, branched. Cauline leaves shorter than inflorescence, filiform, alternate. Flowers 1-4. Pedicels elongating in fruit to 3-6 cm. Periarith segments yellow inside, green outside, narrowly lanceolate, 10-20 x 1-3 mm, obtuse, margins hyaline. Capsule narrowly obovate, 7-11 mm, shorter than persistent perianth segments. Fl.1-3. Dry steppe, hillsides, limestone rock ledges, 500-1600 m.
Crimea, Caucasus, Syria, Cyprus, Iraq, Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.
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