Lilium candidum


Lilium candidum


Stem 50-130 cm, purplish, 2-12-flowered. Leaves spirally arranged, glossy and glabrous, lower oblailceolate , the remainder much shorter, upper ones lanceolate or even ovate. Flowers infundibular-recurved, snow-white. Perianth segments linear-oblanceolate, recurved only in upper 1/3, 55-65 x 6-13 mm. Filaments 45-50 mm. Anthers 9-11 mm; pollen gold. Style 35-50 mm. Fl. 5. Macchie on limestone, sandstone and conglomerate, and in rocky deciduous forest and grassy places, 10-1300 m.
Balkans, Lebanon, Palestine. E. Medit. element.
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