Lilium kesselringianum


Lilium kesselringianum


Kaf zambağı
Bulb c. 4 cm diam. Stem 70-175 cm, 1-7-flowered. Leaves spirally arranged, narrowly lanceolate, 90-130 x 11-13 mm, tapered at both ends, very acute, shortly setulose on margin and veins beneath. Flowers large, infundibularrecurved, c. 9-14 cm diam., pale cream to straw-coloured with small scattered purplish spots at throat. Perianth segments linear-lanceolate, 80-95 x 11-13 mm, tapered at both ends, very acute, arcuate-recurved in upper 2/3 but not reflexed, becoming twisted especially in drying; 'tube' exposed, purplish at base. Filaments free, 40-46 mm. Anthers 7.5-11 mm; pollen orange. Style 27-34 mm. Scent 'stupefying'. Fl. 6-7. Wooded slopes, meadows at edge of Picea forest, igneous bare spots, cornfields, 1450-2400 m.
Transcaucasia . Euxine element. 
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