Linum austriacum


Linum austriacum


Ssp austriacum: Zeyrek; Ssp glaucescens: Puslu zeyrek
Herbaceous perennial, stems divergent, 30-50 cm, bearing a many-flowered panicle of monochasial cymes. Leaves glaucous, linear or linear-oblong, acute, thick, 1-nerved, 10-20 mm, smooth or minutely scaly under the lens . Pedicels deflexed or recurved in fruit, 10-25 mm. Sepals prominently 3-5-nerved, 3-5 mm, outer oblong, subobtuse or acute, often mucronate, inner elliptical-orbicular, obtuse. Petals 13-20 mm, blue. Stigmas oblong-capitate. Capsule 5-8 mm.
1. Leaves 10-15 x 0.75-1.5 mm; sepals 3-5 mm; petals 13-15 mm; capsule 5-6 mm, as broad as long, subobtuse subsp. austriacum
1. Leaves 15-20 x 1.5-5 mm; sepals 5-6 mm; petals 15-20 mm; capsule 7-8 mm, slightly longer than broad, subacute subsp. glaucescens
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