Linum flavum


Linum flavum


Ssp flavum: Çimit; Ssp scabrinerve: Kaba çimit
Herbaceous perennial, stems arising from an underground stock, without sterile rosettes. Flowering stems 20-35 cm, without basal rosettes, strongly ridged and often scabrid. Median leaves oblong-lanceolate to oblong-oblanceolate, 25-45 x 5-14 mm, 3-7- nerved below. Cyme many-flowered, 5-15 cm broad, less spreading than in L. mucronatum, the flowers subsessile on ultimate cymules borne on ascending peduncles. Sepals lanceolate, 8-15 mm, keeled, margin membranous and glandular-ciliate. Petals yellow, 20-25 mm. Capsule 4-5 mm; beak 0,75-1 mm.
1. Median stem leaves widest above the middle, thin, green, nerves and stem ridges smooth subsp. flavum
1. Median stem leaves widest below the middle, thicker, glaucous, nerves and stem ridges scabrid subsp. scabrinerve
  • 858
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  • 0
  • 785
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  • 0