Lythrum tribracteatum


Lythrum tribracteatum


Scabrid annual; stems c. 25 cm, erect, branching from near the base. Leaves 6-15 mm, narrowly ligulate, petioles 0,5-1 mm. Bracteoles conspicuous, resembling the leaves. Flowers 1-2 per leaf axil; hypanthium c. 5 x 1 mm, cylindrical, with a basal swelling when in fruit; epicalyx segments and sepals c. 0,5 mm, broadly triangular, involute in fruit; petals c. 2 mm, pale purple; stamens 4-6. Capsule 3-4 x c. 1 mm, cylindrical. Fl. 5-6. Damp places.
S. Europe, S. Russia, Egypt, S.W. Asia.
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