Lavatera bryoniifolia
Lavatera bryoniifolia
Perennial, stems up to 3 m, woody and glabrous below, farinose with stellate hairs above. Leaves 3-5-fid, the median and upper stem leaves with the middle segment longer than the laterals, all crenate, with a dense, indumentum of stellate hairs. Flowers borne singly or in groups of 2 in the axils; pedicels less than 1,5 cm in fruit. Epicalyx cup-like, coriaceous, ridged. Petals pinkish-violet, 20-24 mm. Mericarps somewhat scabrid, not rugose. FI. 5. Cliffs, streambanks, s.l.-130 m.
Sicily, Greece, Aegean, Palestine. E. Medit. element.