Fraxinus ornus


Fraxinus ornus


Çiçekli dişbudak
Tree to 20 m. Bark of old trunks smooth. Young twigs grey or greenish-grey, glabrous. Winter buds brown or brownish-grey, finely pubescent. Leaflets 2-4-paired, stalked , ovate to lanceolate, usually 6-10 x 2,5-6 cm, abruptly and shortly acuminate or long-acuminate, glabrous on both sides or brownish-pubescent along midrib and on main veins beneath, margin neatly crenate-serrate . Panicles large, terminal and often axillary on leafy twigs. Flowers fragrant. Corolla lobes linear, usually 6 mm, longer than stamens or nearly equal. Fruit linear-oblanceolate, 2-2,5 x 0,3-0,4 cm, body of samara terete with persistent calyx.
1. Leaflets brownish-pubescent along midrib, short stalked , abruptly and shortly acuminate subsp. ornus
1. Leaflets glabrous on both sides,. long stalked , long acuminate subsp. cilicica