Epilobium gemmascens

Epilobium gemmascens

Sulu yakıotu

Erect much branched rhizomatous perennial with short sterile shoots in the axis of the main stem leaves; stems 10-30 cm, glandular-hairy below the inflorescence, with 2 raised lines arising from the decurrent leaf bases. Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate, 1,5-4 x 0,5-1,3 cm, glabrescent, obscurely dentate, subsessile or with a 1-2 mm petiole. Inflorescence largely eglandular with crisped hairs. Flowers mauve or pink; petals 7-12 mm; stigma capitate, emarginate. Capsule 4-6 cm; seeds elliptic-attenuate, 1-1,3 mm, lacking a beak, finely papillose. Fl. 7-8. Stream sides on screes and in forests, etc., 1200-2900 m.

Balkans, Caucasia, N. Iran.



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