Cephalanthera longifolia

 Cephalanthera longifolia

Kuğu salebi

Plant 10-60 cm. Stem densely leafy. Leaves linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, spreading, often curved. Spike few-to many-flowered. Lowermost bracts leaflike, uppermost very small. Flowers white, rather small. Sepals lanceolate, 14-18 mm; petals ovate, shorter. Hypochile slightly concave, lateral lobes clasping the column; epichile broader than long, obtuse, margins ± erose, with 4-6 orange-yellow longitudinal crests, papillose. Column 7-8 mm. Ovary glabrous, much elongated after flowering, erect. Fl. 4-6. Meadows near forest margins, deciduous and coniferous forest, mainly in montane region, 200-2000 m. 

Europe, Mediterranean area, S.W., C. & E. Asia. Euro-Sib. element. 
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