Dactylorhiza incarnata

Dactylorhiza incarnata

Ssp cruenta: Parmak salep; Ssp incarnata: Azsalep


Plants 15-60 cm. Stem straight, hollow, leafy. Leaves erect, stiff, lanceolate, broadest below middle, always unspotted, sometimes with hooded tips, uppermost reaching or exceeding the cylindrical dense spike. Bracts lanceolate, often exceeding the small, pale rose, flesh-coloured or rarely creamy white flowers. Sepals and petals lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 5-7 x 2-3 mm; petals shorter, broader than sepals. Labellum oblong or somewhat rhombic, entire or slightly 3-lobed, 5-6 mm, marked with 1-2 loops of interrupted lines or fine dots. Spur deflexed, conical-cylindrical, c. ½ x ovary. Fl. 6-7. Marshes, wet open places by springs, riverbanks, on limestone, 700-1400 m.

Europe, Mediterranean area, Crimea, Caucasia.

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