Dactylorhiza saccifera


Dactylorhiza saccifera


ssp saccifera: Keseli salep; ssp bithynica: Öz balkaymak
Ssp bithynica ; Ssp saccifera ; Ssp taurica
Plants 20-60 cm. Stem solid, leafy. Leaves with or rarely without purplish spots; lowest leaf oblong to ovate, upper ones lanceolate, broadest at or slightly above middle, to 17 x 5 cm. Spike conical at first, later ± cylindrical. Lower bracts exceeding the rose-violet, rarely white flowers. Sepals lanceolate, to 12 mm; lateral spreading. Petals ovate-lanceolate. Labellum deeply 3-lobed, 10-12 x 12-15 mm, with darker coloured interrupted loops and spots; lateral lobes ±rhomboid, margins irregularly crenulate-dentate; middle lobe triangular, porrect, to 6 mm. Spur saccate-cylindrical, straight, often inflated, to 12 mm long and to 3-5 mm broad at base. Fl. 6-7. Forests, forest margins, nr springs, streamsides, 800-1680 m.
Greece, Bulgaria, Syria, Lebanon. E. Medit. element.