Epipactis condensata

Epipactis condensata


Stems frequently in pairs or clustered, to 55 cm. Leaves 5-8, ovate, shallowly acuminate, to 3.5 x 5.5 cm, lower orbicular concave. Raceme dense, 20-30-flowered. Perianth spreading, to 15 mm diam. Sepals greenish, petals yellowish-green, tinged red. Hypochile dark brown to black inside, nectariferous; epichile broadly triangular or cordate, obtuse or slightly acuminate, whitish-green, with 2 prominent red to violet rugose callosities at base. Fl. 6-7, c. weeks before E. helleborine. Open Pinus woods on extremely basic soils, 600-1600 m.
Cyprus, W. Syria. E. Medit. element. 
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