Epipactis palustris

Epipactis palustris


Rhizome creeping. Plant 20-60 cm. Leaves 4-6, to 15 x 3.5 cm, oblong-lanceolate, upper lanceolate and acuminate. Raceme rather lax, to 20-flowered. Rachis and ovary pubescent. Perianth spreading or slightly campanulate, to 15 mm diam. Sepals brownish-red outside, reddish inside. Petals whitish, redstriped within. Hypochile cup-,shaped, with orange papillae and pinkish-violet veins inside. Epichile prominent, white, ovate, crenulate-undulate at margin. Allogamous. Fl. 7. Wet boggy meadows, s.l. -2000 m.
Most of Europe , Caucasia, Siberia, N. Iraq, N.W. & W. Iran. Euro-Sib. element.
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