Epipactis persica

Epipactis persica

Acem danakıranı
Plant 15-70 cm, stem slender. Leaves 3-4, spreading, ovate, 3-6 x 1.5-3.5 cm, obtuse to slightly acuminate, arranged in middle part of stem, lowest c. 10 cm above ground level. Raceme 5-25-flowered. Lower bracts leaf-like, acuminate, c. 4.5 x 2 cm. Flowers horizontally spreading . Perianth patent to campanulate,to 15 mm diam. Sepals and petals greenish, tinged with red. Hypochile brownish-green inside, containing nectar; epichile triangular, acuminate, somewhat reflexed, with 2 smooth greenish to reddish elevations at base. Autogamous. Fl. 6-7, c. 3 weeks before E. helleborine. Mainly Fagus, Abies Picea forests, 250-1700 m.
N. Iran, Afghanistan, W. Pakistan. 
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