Limodorum abortivum


Limodorum abortivum


Yeni combinasyon: Var abortivum; Var rubrum
Plant usually robust, 30-80 cm. Stem thick, greenish-or livid-violet, covered with dusty-violet sheaths. Spike to 35 cm. Bracts lanceolate, lower exceeding ovary. Flowers 4-25, violet-tinged, rarely flesh-coloured. Sepals obovatelanceolate, to 25 x 11 mm. Petals narrowly 1anceolate, slightly shorter. Hypochile whitish. Epichile ovate, margins undulate, bright violet, with darker lines, fading dingy yellow, to 15 x 12 mm. Spur slender, cylindrical, hanging downwards, c. 15 mm, c. as long as ovary. Ovary to 30 mm; ripe capsule to 45 mm. Fl. 5-7. Coniferous and mixed forest, edges ofwoodland, Carpinus & Quercus scrub, macchie, on calcareous and schistose soil, 350-2300 m. 
C. & S. Europe, Cyprus, W. Syria, Caucasia, N. & W. Iran. 
Var rubrum
Plant 30-60 cm tall, robust, leafless with numerous short, sheathing scales; stem and scale leaves violet to reddish. Spike to 35 cm, elongated, lax, many-flowered. Rowers 6-20, large, carmine red. Sepals 25 x 11 mm, oblong-ovate, lateral. Ones spreading to recurved, dorsal sepal curved strongly forwards, Petals narrowlanceolate, spreading to reflexed, shorter than sepals. Perianth segments sometimes forming a slight helmet. Labellum 2-partite. Hypochile narrow with raised margins, reddish in colour. Epichile oval, margins bent upwards, yellowish to whitish with dark red longitudinal stripes. Spur about as long as ovary and directed downwards. Fl. 4-6. Open pine, oak and mixed woodland, macchle, phrygana, margins of scrub; on base rich or calcareous soils, 100-1200 m.
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