Ophrys argolica

Ophrys argolica

 Ssp lesbis: Beyaz salep; Ssp lucis: Rodos salebi

Plants 10-30 cm. Leaves 4-6, crowded near base. Flowers 3-8. Sepals rose-violet, sometimes mixed with some green, margins ± rolled backwards. Petals ligulate to triangular-ovate, 1/2-1/3 x sepals, ± dark rose-violet, ± pubescent. Labellum usually entire, sometimes slightly 3-lobed, flattish or ± convex, 10-14 mm, ± orbicular or ovate, without humps, apiculate in front or with small appendix, velvety brownish-red to vinaceous, margins paler villous towards column; speculum reduced to two isolated spots, sometimes joined and then resembling a horseshoe or pair of spectacles, dingy bluish-violet, usually with whitish margin. Column with shortly apiculate connective. Fl. 4. Grassy calcareous slopes, phrygana, macchie, coniferous forest, s.l.-970m.
Greece , Aegean. E. Medit. element. 
  • 753
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ssp lucis
  • 723
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  • 738
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  • 745
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ssp lucis
  • 733
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  • 731
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ssp lucis
  • 709
  • 4
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