Ophrys climacis


Ophrys climacis


Kemer salebi


Slender plant, 15-40 cm tall. Spike lax, with 4-6 flowers, variable in size and shape. Sepals 14 x 5mm, ovate to oblong-ovate, light olive-green to pale yellowish, at times tinged with brownish-red, margins revolute, lateral sepals spreading, dorsal sepal curved forwards. Petals 8.5 x 3 mm, ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, yellowish-green with wavy margins, sides spreading to somewhat recurved. Labellum 13.5 x 17 mm, medium-sized, trapeziform to roundish, undivided or weakly 3-lobed, ± convexly domed, dark brown to light brown; margins and shoulder regions brownish-yellow to light yellow, shoulders with short dark brownish hairs. Speculum separated from base of labellum, variable in size and shape, consisting of a horseshoer shaped mark or reduced to lines or spots, steel blue, brown-violet or bluish-grey with a whitish edge. Appendix yellowish-green, triangular, small, directed forwards. Fl.  3-4. Open pine and cypress woods, on calcareous soils, on steep slopes in pinewoods lacking other ground vegetation, grossy places and by roadsides, s.l.-1200 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.





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