Ophrys episcopalis
Ophrys episcopalis
Papaz salebi
Vigorous plant 20-50 cm tall with a lax spike bearing 4-12 flowers. Sepals 12-16 x 6-10 mm, ovate-lanceolate, whitish, pink or reddish, erect to slightly reflexed. Petals 2-6 x 1.5-3.5 mm, triangular, fairly small and usually more deeply coloured than sepals. Labellum very large, 11-20 x 14-24 mm, trapeziform to quadrangular, flat to strongly domed, with protuberances, rarely weakly 3-lobed, dark to yellowish-brown, usually with dense yellowish to yellowish-brown hairs at margins. Speculum very variable and usually covering whole labellum, brownish, yellowish to violet, often surrounded by broad ivory-coloured borders. Appendix broad and large, yellowish-green. pointing upwards. Fl. 4-6. Macchie, phrygana, poor pastures, waste land. Scrub margins, open pine and oak woods; on calcareous soils. s.l.-1600 m.
E. Mediterranen region. E. Medit. element.