Ophrys reinholdii


Ophrys reinholdii


Ssp antiochiana: Yoz salep; Ssp leucotaenia: Akablamut;
Ssp reinholdii: Akgöz salebi; Ssp straussii: Sidikli salep
Plants 20-60 cm. Stem ± winged above. Leaves 3-6, crowded near base, erecto-patent. Flowers 3-8. Sepals spreading, 12-16 mm, rose-violet, greenishrose or whitish. Petals to 6-7 mm, pale rose-purplish to darker brownish-violet, ± velvety. Labellum 3-lobed, 10-15 mm; lateral lobes slightly gibbous, deep brownish-purple, partly whitish-villous; middle lobe ± convex, apex with short appendix or only apiculate, vinous to blackish-purple, velvety; speculum pure white, sometimes wi.th pale bluish centre, not joined to base of labellum, reduced to two isolated or variously connected and branche4 spots. Column with apiculate connective.
1. Plants 20-40 cm, usually slender; petals lanceolate, broadened, sometimes auriculate at base; middle lobe of labellum fan-shaped; speculum reduced to two mostly isolated spots or thick comma-shaped lines, extending from incision of lateral lobes towards centre subsp. reinholdii
1. Plants 30-60 cm, more robust; petals ovate-ligulate or ligulate; middle lobe of labellum oblong or square; speculum more complex, sometimes ± horseshoe-like, rarely reduced to two isolated spots
   2. Dorsal sepal ± erecto-patent; petals 6-7 mm, ligulate;labellum with brownish- purple lateral lobes; middle lobe oblong, occasionally somewhat flattened; speculum consisting of two variously branched spots or lines in centre, sometimes encircling a velutinous, blackish-purple area; column with 1.5-2 mm elongate connective subsp. straussii
   2. Dorsal sepal reflexed; petals to 5 mm, ovate-ligulate; labellum with whitish villous lateral lobes; middle lobe ± square; speculum embracing middle lobe, strongly contrasting with the blackish-purple velvet of the middle lobe; column with apiculate, c. 1 mm connective subsp.leucotaenia
Distribution of species: Greece, Aegean, Iraq, W. Iran.             
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