Bungea trifida


Bungea trifida


Üç kernekotu
Caespitose perennial with a woody rootstock. Stems several, 6-23 cm, erect or ascending, simple, leafy to apex, mostly fertile, with an eglandular arachnoid indumentum. Leaves opposite, at least below, 2-4.5 cm, sessile, trifid, segments linear, to 3-5 cm. pilose. Inflorescence a condensed spike; flowers solitary in leaf axils. Bracteoles 2, as long as calyx. Pedicels 1-3 mm. Calyx with short tube, membranous between veins, c. 10 mm, persistent; teeth linear-acuminate, 25-30 mm, exceeding corolla. Corolla pale yellow, pilose; tube 15-25 mm; lobes 9-12 mm, lower exceeding upper. Capsule 12-20 x 4-9 mm, with long beak. Fl. 5-7. Dry, rocky igneous and limestone slopes, loamy hills, pastures, 940-2500 m.

  Anti-Lebanon, Soviet Armenia, N., N.W., W. & C. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. 



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