Euphrasia rostkoviana


Euphrasia rostkoviana


Güzel gözlükotu
Stem to c. 30 cm, with 0-4 pairs of erect or divergent branches. First flower at 5th-11th node. Upper cauline leaves and lower bracts to 12mm, ovate to deltoid-ovate or suborbicular, with 4-8 pairs of obtuse to acuminate teeth; teeth of lower bracts ± as long as broad, basal patent or retrorse . Corolla 8-11 mm. Capsule 4-5,5 mm, ± equalling or much shorter than calyx, 2-2 1/2  x as long as broad. Fl. 7-9. Meadows andgrassy places by woods and streams, 150-2000 m.
W., C. & S. Europe, Caucasia. Euro-Sib. element. 
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