Orobanche alba


Orobanche alba


Stem 8-70 cm. Bracts usually equalling corolla tube. Calyx halves usually undivided, rarely bidentate , teeth lanceolate, acuminate, rarely subulate, mostly 3-nerved, glandular-pilose, mostly equalling corolla tube. Corolla 10-30 mm, campanulate, enlarged in front above insertion of stamens, inclined forward, white to sulphur yellow or gingery.orange, reddish and purplish-veined towards limb, reddish- or purplish-pilose chiefly on upper lip; dorsal line somewhat curved, usually ± straight in middle, upper lip usually curved downwards and often slightly erect at tip; lips with broad crenulate-dentate glandular-pilose lobes. Stamens inserted 0-3 mm above corolla base; filaments usually pilose near base, glandular-pilose above, glabrous in middle. Stigma red or purple . Fl. 4-7. On Labiatae , 280-2550 m,
Europe, S.W. Asia to Himalaya.
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