Orobanche anatolica


Orobanche anatolica


Ana canavarotu
Stem 15-35 cm, thick. Spike many-flowered, usually very dense . Bracts equalling or longer than flowers, abundantly white-pilose or villous. Calyx halves bidentate, teeth broad, acuminate, with 3-5 thick veins, glandular-pilose, ciliate-pilose at margin, equalling or longer than corolla tube. Corolla ventricose-inflated above insertion of stamens, enlarged towards throat, densely glandular-pilose outside and inside throat, lanate-pilose on upper lip, red-brown, tinged with pink , yellow or ginger-orange with a reddish callous between petal lobes, buff with a lilac tube , dark brown in dry state; whole dorsal line curved, upper lip more curved and helmet-shaped, undivided, limb long ciliate-pilose or whitishlanate. Stamens inserted 3-4 mm above corolla base, anthers long-mucronate. Style glabrous; stigma glandular-pilose, yellow or whitish. Fl. 4-7. On Salvia, 410-2500 m.
Caucasia, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq, N. & W. Iran.
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