Orobanche caryophyllacea
Orobanche caryophyllacea
Kokulu süpürgeotu
Stem 15-60 cm. Bracts usually equalling flowers. Calyx halves many-veined, bidentate or undivided, glandular-pilose; teeth acuminate, 3-veined, c. half length of corolla tube. Corolla 17-35 mm, wide, inflated above insertion of stamens, enlarged towards throat, pale brownish lilac, often purplish or reddish, rarely yellow or whitish, glandular-pilose, dark brown in dried state; dorsal line nearly straight from a curved base, upper lip curved downwards with an erect tip, rarely completely curved; limb abundantly glandular-pilose. Stamens inserted 0-5 mm above base, filaments articulatepilose in lower half, abundantly glandular-pilose in upper half, anthers conspicuously mucronate. Stigma dark purple or brown, rarely orange, reddish-yellow or yellow. Fl. 4-7. Usually on Galium and Asperula, nr s.l.-3300 m.
N.W. Africa, Europe, S.W. Asia, eastwards to Pakistan.