Orobanche kurdica


Orobanche kurdica


Şark baklakıranı
Stem 17-50 cm. Calyx halves separated, bidentate; teeth acuminate or lanceolate-linear, many-veined, glandular-pilose, nearly as long as corolla tube. Corolla 23-28 mm, wide, very enlarged towards throat, ventricose-inflated above insertion of stamens, flesh-coloured with a whitish base in dry state, light brown towards throat, very shortly glandular-pilose; dorsal line evenly and strongly curved; upper lip deeply 2-lobed;limb sparingly glandular-pilose. Stamens inserted 4-5 mm above corolla base, abundantly shortly pilose in lower half, glandular-pilose in upper half; anthers mucronate. Style sparingly glandular-pilose, stigma yellow? Usually on Labiatae and Compositae.
Soviet Armenia, N. Iraq. N., N.W. & W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.
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