Orobanche pubescens


Orobanche pubescens


Tüylü kazıkotu
Stem 10-60 cm, abundantly glandular-pilose or villous. Bracts equalling corolla or longer, usually white-glandular-villous. Calyx halves undivided or bidentate; teeth narrow, often long-acuminate or filiform, long glandular-pilose, usually equalling corolla tube. Corolla 10-20 mm cylindrical, at first erect-spreading, then stretched or curved forward, yellowish-white, lilac or violet-brown towards limb, long lanate-pilose outside, chiefly on upper lip; dorsal line nearly straight from a curved base, upper lip usually curved downwards, rarely whole line curved; lobes of lips glabrous on margins. Stamens inserted 3-4 mm above corolla base; filaments long pilose in lower part, almost villous. Stigma lilac, violet, blue or yellow. Fl. 3-6. Often on Umbelliferae and Compositae, nr s.l.-1850 m.
N.W. Africa, Italy, Balkans, Crimea, Transcaucasia. Medit. element.
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