Pedicularis atropurpurea


Pedicularis atropurpurea


Zarif bitotu
Stems 70-80 cm, erect, sturdy, unbranched, glabrous below, pubescent at base of inflorescence. Leaves broadly ovate in outline, bipinnatisect, segments oblong-elliptic, serrate, 11-17 x 5,3-9 cm; basal long-petiolate, cauline sessile, alternate, few. Inflorescence a tightly condensed, ± lanate, oblong spike, to c. 20 cm. Bracts linear, shorter than flowers. Pedicels c. 1 mm. Calyx ovate, 8-11 mm, lanate, membranous; tube 6-7 mm; lobes 4-5, ± triangular, 2-4 mm. Corolla dark purple, c. 20 mm; tube 13-15 mm, ± straight; upper lip straight, apex rounded or obscurely toothed. Anthers mucronate; filaments villous. Capsuleovate, compressed, acute, 8-12 x c. 6 mm, glabrous. Fl. 7-8. Lush subalpine meadows, amongst Rhododendron Cacasicum, 2000-2900 m.
Caucasus, Georgia. Euxine element. 
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