Pedicularis nordmanniana


Pedicularis nordmanniana


Perennial. Stems 5-20 cm, erect, unbranched, glabrous or shortly puberulous. Leaves oblong-elliptic, 2-6 x 0,4-1 cm, simply pinnatisect, serrate-crenate; basal leaves long-petiolate , cauline few, alternate, sessile. Inflorescence a few-flowered condensed terminal raceme. Bracts irregularly trifid, 7-10 mm. Pedicels erect-spreading, 2-4 mm. Calyx ovate-tubular, 7-10 mm; tube 4-6 mm; lobes 3-4 mm, linear-oblong, subequal. Corolla purplish-red to pink, 15-21 mm; tube 5-8 mm; upper lip broadly falcate with a 3-4 mm downcurved linear beak. Anthers ± mucronate or not; filaments pubescent. Capsule oblong, acute. 7-9 x 3-3,5 mm, glabrous. Fl. 7-8. Damp alpine meadows, rocky igneous slopes, 1600-3200 m.
Caucasus. Euxine element.