Pedicularis pontica


Pedicularis pontica


Şimal bitotu
Perennial. Stems 7-15 cm; erect, unbranched, several, eglandular-pubescent or almost glabrous. Leaves oblong elliptic, simply pinnatisect, 1,8-3,7 x 0,5-1,2 cm, serrate-dentate, glabrous; basal with 0,8-3 cm petioles, cauline leaves few, verticillate, sessile. Inflorescence a many flowered, dense, short ovate, sublanate spike. Bracts ovate, ± pinnatifid, 6-13 x 3-7 mm. Pedicels erecto-patent, 1,5-4 mm. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 6-9 mm; tube 3,5-5 mm; lobes 2-4 mm. Corolla reddish-purple to pinkish-white, 12-19 mm; tube 5-9 mm, cylindrical, bent near base; upper lip straightobliquely truncate. Anthers not mucronate; filaments glabrous. Capsule lanceolate, 11-14 x 3,5 mm, ± straight, acute. Fl. 6-8. Alpine meadows, near melting snow, screes and rocky igneous slopes, 1830-3400 m.
Caucasus. Euxine element
  • 682
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  • 734
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